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SSL Lisenced Practitioners

Anita Arakawa, RScP
René Cornwell, RScP
Dr. Rev. Linda Cullerton
Kellie Mulhern, RScP
Rev. Anne Eisele
Katie Feamster, RScP
Pat Fromer, RScP
Diane Glock, RScP
Anabel Gonzalez, RScP 
Monica Gump, Practitioner Emeritus
Cindy Jaime, RScP
Pamela Lloyd, RScP
James Montgomery, Practitioner Emeritus
Dale Quasny, RScP
Jill Roberts, RScP
Steve Sesanto, RScP
Wendy Skarupa, RScP
Terri Thayer, RScP
Jan Uebersetzig, RScP
Maureen Welch, Practitioner Emeritus
Robert Welch, Practitioner Emeritus

Monica Gump, RScP

I am a student of Life, and I love it!  I first came into Religious Science in 1997, looking to find God again after an illness.   I found an understanding of God beyond what I could have ever imagined.  I’ve experienced the life affirming power of prayer!  I received tools in the classes that make navigating the ever-changing experiences of life easier, the good, the bad and the ugly.  Tools that allow reaping wisdom from all of it for the experiencing of a JOY beyond what I ever imagined.   

I’ve been a Religious Science Practitioner since 2001 and it is my sweet honor to share the power of prayer, the wisdom tools, the Faith and the Love with fellow travelers for the uplifting of us all.

Jill G. Roberts, RScP

Jill Roberts is currently Covina Sanctuary's Youth & Family Ministry Coordinator at Sanctuary for Spiritual Living, and a long-time volunteer with other youth groups. Since 2009, she also has been a teen camp advisor at the popular CSL winter and summer camps in Southern California. She occasionally leads workshops involving both adults and youth in the use of guided meditation and collaborative writing. She regularly delves into emerging social issues and inter-faith situations; she is accepted and accepting. She holds a B.A. in Communications and works in multimedia advertising at the Los Angeles Times.

Wendy Skarupa, RScP

Although a graduate of the Practitioner Class of 2008 through the Sanctuary for Spiritual Living, Wendy has been studying the Science of Mind, metaphysics, and healing for decades. This Goddess is very intuitive, resourceful, and gifted in seeing the Truth of who you are and guiding you on your journey of spiritual growth and development.  Wendy Skarupa is a loving presence, well-qualified in Scientific Prayer and "Wholistic" Guidance.

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