Click on button below to donate to SSL |
ClassesThe Roots of Science of Mind The full three volume set can be purchased from the Science of Mind Archives online. (Click here to purchase) | Links to this Week's Service Recordings Sunday Service at 11:00 am Monday Morning Meditations at 8:00 am, and Fridays "Inspiration by the Bay" at 6:00 pm Facebook Live Recording Links Click here for a complete list of recording links Jan 12 Sunday Service with Rev. Dr. Kristina Collins "Gardening"
Jan 10 Inspiration by the Bay with Rev. Dr. Carol Bliss "Something Comes After" Jan 6 Monday Morning Meditation with Rev. Dr. Carol Bliss "Moving in the Direction of Your Dreams" |
COVID 19 and Church Safety
Please visit the COVID-19 Updates page for info on church policies that have been established to ensure safe interaction during Sunday Services and other church event.
We appreciate your continued financial support and pledges to our wonderful Sanctuary. About 35% of our budget comes from classes, events and rentals. The expenses are of course on-going, although some will drop because of us not heating rooms.
You can make your donations by credit or debit by using the button below, or simply mailing a check to the Sanctuary.
Use this button to The Sanctuary for Spiritual Living
We understand the concern and disappointment at having to postpone the events we have been so looking forward to. Be conscious that these measures are temporary and we hold Divine anticipation for all to return to normal in time. We embrace cooperation with CDC guidelines for staying safe and preventing the spread of COVID 19 as part of our spiritual practice affirming wholeness and vibrant life for all.
You will soon receive information on SSL's comprehensive plan to manage services, classes and meetings in light of the COVID 19 pandemic.
From my heart to yours,
Reverend Dr. Kristina Collins
Our Church family opens its arms to you!
If you are here for the first time, we hope your visit will give you a sense of what our community is about. We are people from all walks of life, joined by a common belief in the Eternal Presence we call God, who created a perfect universe with love. We embrace Life as a gift to be appreciated to its fullest. We accept all humanity in the conviction that we are all one in creation.
This website is intended to provide basic information on who we are, what we believe in, and how we put it in daily practice. If you live in Southern California, come and spend some time with us. If you are visiting our region, stop by to take a respite from your travels. You will find our welcome as warm as our weather.
For those of you who are already familiar with our Church, welcome back. This website is published to give you up to date information on the many activities taking place every month. You can hear about the people you know and love, and schedule to visit us on special occasions, or every Sunday. Either way, a loving SOM hug awaits you!
Please take a look at a schedule of our events and classes, go to the SSL Church Calendar Page.