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Transformational Classes

"You are on the most interesting quest the human mind has ever made, the discovery of the Life Principle, the way it works, and your relationship to it. You are about to make the greatest discovery of your life, which is how to use the Creative Power of your thought for definite purposes; purposes which will benefit you, your family, your friends [and our world].    green leaf2.jpg
 leaf footprint.jpg Throughout the ages, certain individuals have discovered some secret relationship between themselves and the Universe which other people have not know about, and because of this they have either consciously or unconsciously used a power that to the ordinary individual seems miraculous because of its effects. Others have stood in awe before them, reeling that God has delivered some message to them which is withheld from others.  
   green leaf3.jpg  This age of superstition, of fear and ignorance is passing out of existence and intelligent people are beginning to say, 'My relationship to God, to the Universe, and to the Power which is greater than I am must be as immediate to me as to any other person who ever lived. There is a secret, the great secret of Life Itself, and I expect to discover it.
 You are engaged in a study of the Science of Mind, which deals with a Principle and a Power in the Universe as immediate as your own breath. Of necessity, such a study is something to which you must give your complete attention, something that you must enthusiastically enter into. All the while it will be something that brings a daily satisfaction, a sense of well-being, and the gratification of knowing that you are in league with the Power that creates and sustains everything."    green leaf1.jpg
     - Ernest Holmes


The Sanctuary for Spiritual Living's vision is "We are a vibrant, loving community and an inspirational resource for spiritual awakening and personal growth." In order to fulfill our vision we offer a full array of classes.

 As an active community of Centers for Spiritual Living we facilitate Certificated Classes from Foundation Class to Practitioner Training. These classes when successfully completed are registered with Centers for Spiritual Living, which issues a certificate of completion. This certificate is recognized in all of our centers and can be used for entry into Professional Practitioner Studies. (See information on Practitioner Classes). All of these classes teach spiritual principles and practices revealing the secret of the ages, with practical methods of application which you can apply to your life. Each class has it's own focus. For complete descriptions see CSL Certificated Classes.

 With a team of over 30 Professional Practitioners and Ministers we offer classes certificated by our church, Sanctuary for Spiritual Living. These classes range from book-studies to topic specific classes and workshops. These are all created by the facilitator and focus on spiritual awakening and personal growth. For a complete list of current classes see SSL Certificated Classes

 We also offer workshops by authors, professionals and our teaching team. These range from stand alone sessions of a few hours to a complete day. The topics vary greatly, offering a full range of opportunities for life time learning. For a complete list of current workshops see Workshops.

 We offer other classes and events on a variety of subjects these range from one class session or may extend over several class sessions. We also have on-going classes such as Tai Chi and the Course in Miracles which may be joined at any time. Please see Other classes and Events for details of these classes and events. 

To see current classes, please go to the Calendar.    For a list of all SSL classes, please go to the SSL Class Page.

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